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Hebraic Ministry with an Apostolic Theology

SET-APART APOSTOLIC ASSEMBLIES OF ZION (NAZARENE ISRAELITE) is part of the larger Hebrew-Roots Awakening Movement. This ministry began as a teaching effort located in Kissimmee, Florida in 2016. Birthed from the vision of Covenant-Seed Message Ministries. This ministry seeks to gather in disciples, raise up a new generation of leaders, and set up an educational forum for the promotion of Set-Apart Apostolic/Nazarene Israelite spiritual faith.

SO WHAT IS "SET-APART APOSTOLIC"? The "Set-Apart Apostolic" Movement is a distinction of Pentecostal/Charismatic faith that emphasizes WHOLE-BIBLE conviction, Commandment-Keeping, 7th-Day Sabbath Truth, Hebrew Roots of Christianity, the Sacred Name of The Creator, and The Gospel of the Baptism of Water and Spirit in the name of the Messiah Yeshua (the Hebrew way to say "Jesus") for the Remission of sins and the reception of the Ru'ah Ha Qodesh (Holy Ghost) with the evidence of speaking in tongues. We also emphasize the ministry of Divine Healing, Deliverance, Charismatic Body Ministry, and the Fivefold Ministries, including the ministry of Prophecy and Prophetic Presbytery.

SET-APART APOSTOLICS are "Apostolic" in that we adhere strictly to a Bible-only application of the Faith according to the way that It was revealed by the Messiah Yeshua and practiced by his Apostles. This includes belief in and adherence to Bible standards of external Holiness in eating clean meats, total abstention from alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, living a clean life, and dressing according to conservative Bible modes. This includes beards for men, and long hair and head-veils for women.

Set-Apart Apostolic theology is both a sub-set of Pentecostal/Charismatic distinctives as well as a sub-set of the Nazarene Israelite Movement. It is "Apostolic" and "Pentecostal" in theology, but it is "Set-Apart" in that it is a Hebraic form of Pentecostalism, thus it is a distinct brand of such.

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About Apostolic Faith

At the beginning of the 20th Century, there arose a Movement from within the Wesleyan Holiness revivals that had been sweeping across North America. In 1906, this new Movement exploded into one of history's most powerful revivals, known as the Azusa Street Revival. From this revival came what was known as the Apostolic Faith Movement. This Movement has also been variously known as the Full-Gospel Movement, and the Pentecostal Movement, by which it is still known today.


In 1916, yet another powerful revival broke out from within the Full-Gospel/ Pentecostal Movement. This in turn became known as the "Apostolic Pentecostal" Movement. This Revival Movement restored the Bible teachings of Water Baptism in the name of "Jesus", and lively exuberant worship.


Most historians of the Apostolic Movement usually end here. However, the restoration of full Apostolic Truth did not end in 1916. More Restored Truth was to come in the years and decades following.


The 1950s saw the rise of the ministry of William Branham, an Apostolic Pentecostal preacher from the United Pentecostal Church in Indiana. Branham spearheaded the Great Healing Revival of 1946-1958. This Revival saw the restoration of many Bible Truths.


The next restorational movement to come into the Apostolic communities was the Faith Deliverance Message of 1957-1967. But the restoration of Divine Truth among Apostolic Believers was still not finished.


The 1970s and '80s witnessed a revival of the Sabbath Truth and Sabbath Sign Messages among Apostolics. During this time, many Apostolic congregations began to catch a Present Truth revelation of the 7th Day Sabbath. To be sure, there had existed some forward-thinking Sabbatarian Apostolics as early as the '40s. For example, the Pentecostal Church of Zion was established in 1954. But it wasn't until the '70s and '80s that Sabbath-keeping became a sub-movement within Apostolic circles.


Today, Apostolic congregations are once again experiencing yet another restorational movement of Bible Truth. More and more Apostolic Believers have begun to re-discover HEBRAIC ROOTS.

Among these emerging "Hebraic Apostolic" groups include:

Covenant Apostolic Churches, Int'l.

The House of God (Hebrew Pentecostal)

Mount Zion Deeper Life Fellowship

This new restorational movement is being called the "Set-Apart" Apostolic Movement. 

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About Nazarene Israel

The Nazarene Israelite Camp is one part of a much larger religious movement known as the HEBRAIC MOVEMENT. This movement, also known as the "Hebrew Roots" Movement (HRM), emerged out of a wave of interest in Messianic Hebrew teachings within Evangelical, Pentecostal and Charismatic circles back in the decade of the 1990s. In some ways, HRM was seen as a kind of teaching movement on the fringes of a mostly Neo-Charismatic Christian fad, but in other ways there were many who saw it as the rise of a whole new and independent Restorational Movement within the larger Christian family . . . a sort of "Messianic Christianity".


Nazarene Israel, specifically, developed within the larger Hebraic context, but in the early years of the 21st Century fully emerged as an independent branch of the Biblical Religious Family, standing next to Judaism and Christianity.


Today, Nazarene Israel and Apostolic Pentecostalism are come together within the "Set-Apart Apostolic" context. Herein, the Set-Apart Apostolic Assemblies of Zion (Nazarene Israel) has taken root.


Our congregation and teaching ministry is based at the moment in Kissimmee, Florida, but the ministry is looking to expand by entering into fellowship with other like-minded congregations who have a vision for Hebrew Root concepts, Apostolic Pentecostal theology, Holiness, One-Law, Remnant Israel, Two-House/Ten-Tribes, Covenant-Seed Teaching, Brideship, and which adhere to the true Set-Apart names of YAHUAH and YESHUA, believing that Baptism (Tebilah) is by immersion only in the name of Yeshua for the Remission of Sins and the reception of the Ru'ah Ha Qodesh (Holy Ghost) with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

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The Mission of this Movement

There are so many worthy denominations and faith networks today, what makes the Set-Apart Apostolic Assemblies of Zion different? Our movement is the only existing movement so far that brings together the Fullness of Restored Bible Truth into one place. With roots as far back as the Baptist and Wesleyan traditions of the 1700s, , the Holiness Tradition of the 1800s, and the Full-Gospel/Apostolic and Charismatic traditions of the 1900s, our movement is brought up to what Almighty Yahuah is NOW doing in this 21st Century by merging the past Restorations with the current Restoration Movement of Hebraic Truth.


Embracing the full body of ALL that Yahuah has restored by way of Bible Truth to the present generation, the Set-Apart Assemblies of Zion has been called to bear witness to the FULL COUNCIL of doctrine. We do this by testifying for the Way of Salvation in the New Birth by Water and Spirit Baptism, the empowerment of the Chananot (Charismatic Spiritual Operations and Gifts), as well as the witness of the testimony of Full Commandment-Keeping. We believe strongly according to Matthew 5:17-19 that Yeshua Ha Mashiyah ("Jesus" the Messiah) has NOT done away with The Torah Law, and thus The Law is still binding for all Baptized Believers, whether they be of Jewish descent or of Gentile descent. Thus, the Set-Apart Apostolic Assemblies of Zion identifies with that called-out group mentioned in The Book of Revelation which keep The Commandments AND have the Testimony of Yeshua Ha Mashiyah (Rev. 12:17; 14:12; 22:14 KJV).


It is the passion of this ministry to bear up the standard of Full Truth by taking the FULL TESTIMONY of Biblical Revelation (both the so-called "Old Testament" as well as the so-called "New Testament") to the nations of this world. To lift up the name of Yahuah through the Son Yeshua and to preach the Gospel of The Kingdom in ALL of Its manifold dimensions.

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Worship Times

Friday: 7pm - 9pm
Saturday: 10am - 3pm

Jewish Man in Synagogue
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Our Invitation To You

If you identify with such beliefs as Apostolic Faith, Charismatic Gifts, the Messiah Yeshua,  Hebrew Roots, The One Law for all, the Restoration of the Ten Tribes, the True Set-Apart Name of Yahuah, the Gospel of the Baptism of Water and Spirit, the Kingdom of Elohim, and Holiness, and would like to connect with a group who also share those convictions, or if you are just curious to learn more about our movement, we invite you to contact us by email, or even by postal mail or telephone.

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4501 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy.
Kissimmee, Florida 34746


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